Medical Records

Medical Records

Health Information Management Services (HIMS)
Hours of Operation:8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Telephone:(713) 520-4799 *
Fax:(713) 526-0451

*If records have been sent from another facility, please contact your physician’s secretary to confirm they have been delivered to MCH.

Radiology ONLY Records

Including Images
Telephone:(713) 526-5511  ext. 4500
Fax:(713) 520-4728
Request for Records Release

In compliance with Texas Consumer / Public Regulatory Requirements, the following steps must occur before any records can be released.

  1. A completed and signed Medical Records ‘Release of Information’ form must be provided to HIMS by the requester of records.
  2. This completed and signed form may be submitted to MCH HIMS via:
    • Fax: (713) 526-0451
    • U.S. Postal Service:  Medical Clinic of Houston, L.L.P.  Attention: HIMS,  1701 Sunset Blvd, Houston, TX 77005
    • Email (non-secure):  If choosing email, we encourage you to send your documents encrypted as an attachment. In advance of sending the document, be sure to alert medical records how to open the encrypted email document.
  3. Fees may apply, according to applicable Texas Consumer / Public Regulatory laws and regulations. Should fees apply, within 15 business days of receiving the completed and signed Medical Records ‘Release of Information’ Authorization form, an invoice will be mailed, via United States Post Office, to the responsible party.
  4. Payment may be called in or sent to MCH HIMS.  Methods can include cash, check, or credit card.
  5. Within one to two business days of receipt of payment, records will be sent via method (certified mail, fax, or pick up) identified on ‘Release of Information’ Authorization form.
Authorize Another Person to Receive Your Results

Should any patient desire someone else in addition to themselves to receive results, the Patient Health Information Release form must be completed, signed, and submitted to HIMS to stipulate which individuals are authorized to receive information.

Retention and Destruction of Records

In compliance with Texas Consumer/Public Resources Regulatory Requirements, records are held for seven years.

Non-MCH Records

Should someone desire to send to MCH clinical results or records generated outside the Clinic, please instruct the sender to submit the records / results via fax to (713) 526-0451 or to hand-carry to the desired MCH physician.

Medical Record Review

If you would like to review your medical record, you may do so by scheduling an appointment with our Health Information Supervisor. All record reviews take place at our Medical Records Release of Information Department, 3rd floor. The phone number to schedule an appointment to review your records is (713) 520-4799.  Please remember to bring picture ID with you to the appointment. Bring your completed Request to View Medical Record form with you.